Success Stories
Student success is the top priority of everyone at CEI and we take pride in every single one of our students. These profiles are of the alumni that continuously exceed expectations and took this opportunity and have chosen to soar. Their stories continuously inspire us.
Local 562
Pile Driver/Carpenter
4th Period Apprentice
Starting Wage: $16.72
Current Wage: $28.25
Full Benefits & Vacation Pay
Lorrie Williams graduated from our program in March 2018 and began working in April 2018 for Skanska under Local 562 as a pile driver/carpenter. She is now a 4th-period apprentice. She is working on carpentry, spot welding, torch cutting, layouts and more! As stated by Lorrie, “prior to this training, I was constantly job-hopping to whichever position was more suitable and paid more. The idea of having a career had never crossed my mind. All I knew was somehow, someway I had to provide for my family. Career Expansion opened my eyes to the possibility of having a stable income that can open doors for my family and I am extremely grateful.” Since graduation day Lorrie has accomplished so much. She currently has 8 OSHA certifications and is working on getting two more by this upcoming November. “My drive comes from my family of course but, also from this amazing feeling I get when I’m driving by a finished project that I was a part of constructing. I have lived in Los Angeles for quite some time so, knowing how much I can build and accomplish with my hands is amazing. I am proud to be a part of building recognized monuments all over the city of Los Angeles and leaving that legacy for my family to remember me by.” Lorrie is very grateful for everyone on the team but especially Jason Vogel. “Jason became my mentor and guiding light throughout the program and beyond. I definitely could not see myself where I am without him. Thank you Jason”.